Michael’s Story Reflecting ABLE Team Outcomes We end or rather begin with the story of Michael. This as a personal, yet team story, on reclaiming the life of a child. It was told and observed by us. Told through Michael’s family and friends and observed through our clinical involvement. We share it to capture the ABLE program philosophy and its evolvement of the past 30 years. We have attempted to sensitively capture the wants and needs and desires of Michael and his family and are using it as a metaphorical (stand-in) example representing all of our families. We offer the Able experience on this site not just as a celebration of our efforts, but also as an offering to the collective good. We feel that services to the individual within the context of the family, community and health culture offers a viable approach that should be utilized more fully by health care providers. We believe that our ideas can be adopted and used by others. By taking the seeds offered on this website and germinating them, greater family resiliency (striving and thriving against the odds) will be built by fostering the courage, hopes and dreams of our special needs children. Click on: Michael’s Story |

Michael’s Story

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