Listening, Re-Telling and having New Conversations Where verbal stories can be used to increase a higher level of coherence (understanding and uniformity), a greater sense of completeness occurs. When a child is interested in their own predicaments and need to work through difficulties, greater stability of the experience is achieved if the child has been given a greater understanding to make sense out of what has happened. Adding meaning to both positive and negative events in their lives is often achieved by using more traditional means of story telling as a way to enhance this understanding. The process of listening, telling and retelling experiences (stories), people often apply additional materials or delete some and they become edited versions more in line with the persons’ needs or preferences at the time and the process can be found to be very healing. Articles“How to fix a story” is provided as a means for accomplishing story revisions in a beneficial way and is referenced in our website through the following link Revising Your Story: RevisingStory.pdf Conversation practices such as solution focus (the implementation of a strength based perspective), offers practical advice in an article by Richard Bessenhofer and is available on our internal link: Lauren Eimers summarizes both strength-based perspective and solution-focused approached to new conversations and provides the theoretical background. This article presents models of using stories as the basis for open-ended discussions on significant life-skills topics, which adults will find useful to process with children. This material is especially useful for both parents and elementary and secondary school teachers. See: The Use of Stories (pdf) LinksUsing Motivational Interviewing in conversation to assess stages of change and ways to act on little commitment, low confidance and high ambivalence Ethnographic Interviewing—a Naturalistic Inquiry Ethnographic practices use stories from the socio-cultural environment to determine their influences on the human condition, including identity and everyday functioning. Health assessment and treatment planning require patient-provider partnerships. Anthropology and participant observations offer alternative ways to have culturally focused conversations across the cultural divide. Learn more… Steps to retelling a preferred story alternative to a story that is loaded with problems is our staff’s way of combining narrative-solutions practices and should be helpful to those wishing to enhance their skills in this area. narrativesolution.html Social Stories create a vivid concrete storyline with the child as the main character, written in first person, with a description of the person’s situation as well as what needs to be acted on to resolve the conflict or problem. This PDF document copied from the original document below with permission from both author and organization:

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