
…Able-differently offers stepped levels of intervention in its quest to turn the lives of special-needs children around. The first step may be to access an informative website with numerous self-help links which enables social-emotional and adaptive wellbeing in the family. The next step offers a parent consultation that may require greater coordination, collaboration and communication among the primary care persons. In addition, the program may also model a parent-driven, community-connected care team process giving parent’s greater understanding and a stronger participating voice for critical decision making. Re-storying is also discussed along the way a process of turning a child’s everyday routines, rituals and special interest activities into prideful archived achievements making these memories part of a life- spring portfolio. Funds are made available for a child’s creative and positive experiences using expressive arts, sports, and other recreational activities all adding enthusiasm to and enhancing a child’s personal development in ways never experienced or felt before. Finally for the program to grow and flourish, basic office management, volunteer services, marketing and funding are required. Stewardship of these resources from the “village” as well as networking, support and mentoring other organizations with shared common missions and purposes will likewise profit the community.