What’s My Story? — A Guide to Story Development

Able Differently
P.O. Box 9757 | Salt Lake City, UT | 84109
“Sowing Seeds For Positive Experiences”
Email: info@able-differently.org | Phone: 801-520-7376 | Fax: 1-801-466-7569
What’s My Story? — A Guide to Story Development
Guidelines for observing and describing what happens and how your child takes it in to create a story
Whether you are a healthcare provider, parent, teacher of special needs children, or a youth or adolescent
yourself, people seek to interpret both their good and bad experiences using the language of metaphors (symbols
representing something important). It is crucial to be able to remember and bring to the front of your mind a
positive experience when it is most needed. Reflecting on and documenting the activity that your child has been
participating in will help create and reinforce these positive memories. What was hardest? What was achieved?
Bring out all of the photos and memories that were mentioned in the opening letter, and sit down with your
child. Attempt to get them to retell both the positive and negative feelings that they have learned and taken away
from this activity. Use the following questions to help brainstorm ideas and help create their story. Add to story
threads by filling in the blanks with parents’ notes to help the child create the final product.
Please attach a copy of your child’s story constructed in part from notes recorded on this form. You may use
important images or drawings to be incorporated in the final story format.
Did you help choose the activity? Why? Was this something you longed for or just trying out something?
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Ask about feelings experienced as such as fun, interesting, surprises, frustrations, difficulties, fears, feeling
strong and confident, jealous etc.
Your Child’s Story Continued
In terms of the friends you met, do you think they had some of the same feelings as you or different? Any
best friend? Why? What did he/she think about you? Why? How might you stay friends even after the
activity is over? Do you think that might be in your friend’s mind too?
What did you think about the coach, teacher, and leader? What did he/she think/feel about you? Did you feel
Did you learn new things? Which things? How might it make a difference for you? Can you give a specific
example of one special time you will not forget?
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What was important or most valuable doing this activity?
Your Child’s Story Continued
What would you hope or dream for now that you have done this?
Did you take any pictures? Draw any pictures? What did you do with them? What about a scrap book or
portfolio (notebook or color file in which to keep these memories)?
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Would you allow us to use part of your story to share with the person who gave money to pay for you? It might
help get money for you again or other kids. Would you want to do that or not? Please circle one of the following:
Amount of scholarship money awarded by Able-Differently:______________________
Beginning Date of Activity: _____________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date Signed: __________________
Child Signature: ___________________________________________ Date Signed: __________________
*Able-Differently is a 501c3 non-profit charity and federal income tax law requires us to inform you that no goods or services were
provided to you in return for your gift. Therefore within the limits prescribed by law, the full amount of your gift is deductible.